Feasibility and Sensitivity Analysis of Premium Golden Melon Cultivation Business: Implementation of Low-Cost Smart Greenhouse System
Business Feasibility, Sensitivity, Smart Grennhouse, Golden Melon, Hikmah Farm FARTCAbstract
The sustainability of a business cannot be separated from the sensitivity of business feasibility. Sensitivity is useful for predicting business sensitivity to changes in variables that affect it. Fluctuations in production factor prices have so far been a threat to business sustainability. This study analyzes the feasibility of a melon cultivation business using a smart greenhouse system, as well as the impact of changes in investment costs and production capacity of the greenhouse on business feasibility. The study used a survey method with respondents from the Hikmah Farm Farmer’s Agricultural and Rural Training Center (FARTC). Data analysis using a quantitative descriptive analysis approach with business feasibility criteria and the observed sensitivity were RC ratio, ROI and Payback Period. The results showed that a 160 m2 smart greenhouse containing 554 premium golden melon plants required an initial investment cost of Rp. 95,705,000 with an economic life of around 15 years. The technology applied, a hydroponic fertigation system with nutrient settings that can shorten the planting season from 70 days to 54 days (2 months), cost Rp. 8,283,064 in operational costs. The harvest of 598 kg with a selling price of Rp. 35,000/kg, then obtained revenue of Rp. 20,941,200 and income of Rp. 12,658,136. The R/C ratio value of 1.91, ROI of 13.23% and Payback period of 1.26 years confirm the feasibility of the business with a value that meets the requirements. The results of the sensitivity analysis with a scenario of increasing greenhouse installation costs by 50% and 70% show R/C ratio values of 2.40 and 2.35, ROI of 9.00% and 7.03% and Payback periods of 1.85 and 2.1 years. Increasing the size of the greenhouse by 200% and 300% shows R/C ratio values of 2.68 and 3.01, ROI of 14.89% and 18.44% and Payback periods of 1.12 and 0.90 years. this. Therefore, the cultivation of premium golden melon using the low-cost smart greenhouse system Hikmah Farm FARTC has promising prospects and can be widely adopted.
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