Efektivitas Beberapa Formula Pupuk Majemuk NPK dalam Meningkatkan Produktivitas Padi Sawah (Effectiveness of Several Formula of NPK Compound Fertilizer Formulas in Increasing the Productivity of Lowland Rice)


  • Antonius Kasno Balittanah
  • Nurjaya Nurjaya Balittanah
  • Sri Rochayati Balittanah


Abstrak. Formula pupuk yang ada pada umumnya tidak didasarkan pada karakteristik tanah dan kebutuhan tanaman, sehingga pupuk tidak efektif dan tidak efisien. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi formula pupuk majemuk dan efektivitasnya dalam meningkatkan produksi padi sawah. Penelitian dilakukan pada lahan sawah di Provinsi Banten, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur di 7 lokasi pada musim hujan 2011/2012. Pada setiap provinsi penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan delapan perlakuan dan tiga ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri atas (A) NPK 15-15-15 (250 kg NPK, 150 kg Urea ha-1, 0 SP-36, dan 0 KCl), (B) NPK 20-10-10 (300 kg NPK, 100 kg Urea ha-1, 0 SP-36, 0 KCl), (C) NPK 30-6-8 (350 kg NPK ha-1, 0 Urea, 0 SP-36, dan 0 KCl), (D) pupuk tunggal berdasarkan status hara tanah, (E) NPK 15-15-15 berdasarkan status hara tanah, (F) NPK 20-10-10 berdasarkan status hara tanah, (G) NPK 30-6-8 berdasarkan status hara tanah, dan (H) kontrol, tanpa pemberian pupuk. Varietas padi yang digunakan di setiap lokasi percobaan sesuai varietas yang digunakan petani setempat. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap sifat kimia tanah sebelum diberi perlakuan, berat gabah kering panen, dan relative agronomic effectiveness. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemupukan NPK baik majemuk maupun tunggal nyata meningkatkan hasil padi dari 4,92 untuk perlakuan kontrol menjadi 6,73 t ha-1 untuk perlakuan NPK 15-15-15. Berat gabah kering panen pada pemupukan NPK formula 15-15-15 lebih tinggi dari formula 20-10-10 dan 30-6-8, namun NPK 15-15-15 pada dosis uji tanah (perlakuan E) tidak berbeda nyata dibandingkan NPK 15-15-15 (perlakuan A). Dengan demikian secara agronomis pupuk NPK majemuk formula 15-15-15 lebih unggul. Rata-rata nilai RAE pada dosis pupuk NPK dari masing-masing formula adalah 107% untuk NPK 15-15-15 (perlakuan A), 98% untuk NPK 20-10-10 (perlakuan B) dan 92% untuk NPK 30-6-8 (perlakuan C). Rata-rata nilai RAE pada dosis pupuk berdasarkan status hara tanah untuk NPK 15-15-15 (perlakuan E), 20-10-10 (perlakuan F), dan 30-6-8 (perlakuan G) masing-masing adalah 104, 105 dan 109%.

Abstract. Existing compound fertilizer formula is generally not based on soil characteristics and plant needs, leading to ineffective and inefficent fertilization. This study aimed at evaluating compound fertilizer formulas and their effectiveness in increasing rice production. The study was conducted on paddy fields in Banten, West Java, Central Java, and East Java provinces at 7 locations during the 2011/2012 rainy season. In each of these provinces, the study used a Randomized Complete Block Design with eight treatments and three replications. The treatment were: (A) NPK 15-15-15 (250 kg NPK, 150 kg Urea ha-1, 0 SP-36, and 0 KCl), (B) NPK 20-10-10 (300 kg NPK, 100 kg Urea ha-1, 0 SP-36, 0 KCl), (C) NPK 30-6-8 (350 kg NPK ha-1, 0 Urea, 0 SP-36, and 0 KCl), (D) single fertilizer based on status soil nutrients, (G) NPK 15-15-15 based on soil nutrient status, (F) NPK 20-10-10 based on soil nutrient status, (G) NPK 30-6-8 based on soil nutrient status, and (H) control, without fertilizer. Rice varieties used in each trial location were in accordance with the varieties used by local farmers. Observations were made on the chemical properties of the soil before being treated, crop grain yield, and the relative agronomic effectiveness (RAE). The results showed that fertilizing NPK both compound or single element, significantly increased rice yield from 4.92 for the control treatment to 6.73 t ha-1 for the NPK 15-15-15 treatment. Grain yield at the NPK 15-15-15 was higher than that of NPK 20-10-10 and 30-6-8, but NPK 15-15-15 based on soil test (treatment E) was not significantly different from NPK 15 -15-15 (treatment A). Thus, agronomically, NPK 15-15-15 was superior. The mean RAE was 107% for NPK 15-15-15 (treatment A), 98% for NPK 20-10-10 (treatment B) and 92% for NPK 30- 6-8 (treatment C). The mean RAE for treatments based on soil test for NPK 15-15-15) (treatment E), NPK 20-10-10 (treatment F), and NPK 30-6-8 (treatment G), were 104, 105 and 109%, respectively.

Author Biographies

Antonius Kasno, Balittanah

Researcher at Indonesian Center for Soil Research

Nurjaya Nurjaya, Balittanah

Ir. Nurjaya, MSi

Peneliti Balitbangtan di Balittanah

Sri Rochayati, Balittanah

Dr. Sri Rochayati





