Forum Penelitian Agro Ekonomi <p><img src="http://public/site/images/admfae1/Cover_FAE.PNG" alt="" />Forum penelitian Agro Ekonomi (FAE) adalah media komunikasi ilmiah yang memuat tinjauan kritis (<em>critical review</em>) hasil-hasil penelitian, gagasan-gagasan ataupun konsepsi-konsepsi orisinal dalam bidang sosial ekonomi pertanian. FAE diterbitkan dua kali setahun yaitu pada bulan Juli dan Desember oleh Pusat Sosial Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pertanian, Kementerian Pertanian Republik Indonesia.</p> <p>Jurnal FAE terakreditasi sesuai dengan Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi Republik Indonesia dengan nomor sertifikat 21/E/KPT/2018 tanggal 9 Juli 2018. Pada Tahun 2021 FAE mengajukan akreditasi ulang kembali dan mendapatkan peringkat SINTA 2 sesuai dengan Surat Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset, dan Teknologi Nomor 158/E/KPT/2021, tanggal 9 Desember 2021.</p> PSEKP en-US Forum Penelitian Agro Ekonomi KOMUNIKASI DIGITAL UNTUK MOTIVASI GENERASI Z MENINGKATKAN KETERLIBATAN DALAM BIDANG PERTANIAN INDONESIA <p>The agricultural sector, crucial for ensuring a country's food security, faces diverse challenges, notably the limited participation of Generation Z in this sector. This research analyses digital communication strategies for enhancing Generation Z's enthusiasm for agriculture. The research method used a literature review and was analyzed qualitatively. The research reveals that digital communication is vital in fostering Generation Z's involvement in Indonesian agriculture. Social media, mobile apps, podcasts, and knowledge-sharing digital platforms enable Generation Z to access information, find inspiration, interact with communities, and participate in agricultural activities online. Motivators for Generation Z in agriculture encompass digital education, formal training, family influence, environmental awareness, community engagement, and their inclination toward technology. Effective digital communication strategies involve campaigns, contests, and collaboration with digital influencers, creatively stimulating Generation Z's interest and participation in agriculture. This dynamic use of digital communication contributes positively to sustainable agriculture development, fostering awareness, knowledge, and active participation in agricultural endeavours throughout Indonesia. Recognizing Generation Z's limited interest in agriculture, there is a pressing need for innovative digital communication strategies through social media, apps, and influencers to promote sustainable agricultural practices in Indonesia.</p> Olih Solihin Shinta Anggreany Rismawaty Rais Ballian Siregar Copyright (c) 2024 Forum Penelitian Agro Ekonomi 2024-02-27 2024-02-27 41 2 79 95 TINJAUAN KRITIS KEAMANAN DAN KEHALALAN DAGING AYAM BROILER DI INDONESIA <p>Broiler chicken meat is one of Indonesia's main animal foods. The demand for it is expected to rise along with the need for safety and halal products. This paper aims to review the safety and halal aspects of broiler chicken meat, including regulations, conditions, constraints, and problems. The results show that the government has made many regulations, but their implementation has not been fully effective. This can be seen in the threat of unsafe and non-halal broiler meat being marketed upstream to downstream. Aside from the lack of government supervision over food safety regulations, ignorance, misperception, and momentary profit orientation contribute to this issue. Business actors must be more aware of the government's rules regarding providing safe and halal broiler chicken meat. Consumers should also be interested in whether their chicken meat is halal and safe to consume. It is also important for the government to carry out regular surveillance, inspections, testing, standardization, certification, and registration of animal products. To achieve this, the private sector must also be involved in increasing the number of officers and promoting socialization and advocacy within the business community and society. Collaborative efforts are necessary between governments, business actors, and poultry-related industries at all supply chain stages.</p> Ening Ariningsih Mewa Ariani Nyak Ilham Eni Siti Rohaeni Sri Hastuti Suhartini Adang Agustian Achsanah Hidayatina Sumaryanto Imron Suandy Copyright (c) 2024 Forum Penelitian Agro Ekonomi 2024-02-27 2024-02-27 41 2 97 117 PERAN JARINGAN KOMUNIKASI SEBAGAI ELEMEN PENTING DALAM PENGEMBANGAN KORPORASI PETANI DI INDONESIA: LITERATURE REVIEW <p>Communication networks play a crucial role in shaping the capacity and collaboration among farmers and facilitating the spread of innovation and technology within agricultural communities. These networks also encourage a business-oriented approach among farmers, aiming for the prosperity of rural communities. However, despite the potential benefits, the utilization of communication networks for farmer corporation development falls short of government expectations. This article aims to explore the significance of communication networks in supporting the growth of farmer corporations in Indonesia, drawing insights from various studies. It highlights the importance of effective coordination among farmers, government, and stakeholders to maximize the potential of these networks. Specifically, the involvement of extension workers is emphasized to enhance information dissemination and improve farmers' capabilities. Moreover, fostering active dialogue and collaboration between farmers and stakeholders is crucial for the sustainable development of farmer corporations. By leveraging communication networks, stakeholders can collectively contribute to advancing agricultural practices and rural livelihoods in Indonesia.</p> Shinta Anggreany Sumardjo Djuara Lubis Syahyuti Copyright (c) 2024 Forum Penelitian Agro Ekonomi 2024-02-27 2024-02-27 41 2 119 133