
  • Ketut Gede Mudiarta Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian


social network, social capital, vertical mobility, agribusiness system, jaringan sosial, kapital sosial, mobilitas vertikal, sistem agribisnis


The limited possession of resources such as physical capital especially land, finance, and technology need social resources empowerment as potential local resources followed  by equality and  inclusiveness in implementing of development programs. This paper tries to elaborate sociological theory in the dynamics of social capital study especially social networks linked to the social reality on empirical level. In line with the theories of new institutionalism, social networks, diffusion of innovation, and social mobilit, on the empirical level it shows that agribusiness development is not supported by synchronization of policy environment in macro level, informal rules at meso level, and  individual needs in micro level and availability of informal rules at meso and micro levels in the community. The failure of agribusiness development is also believed to be affected by unequal social-resources and also by less concern on the effect of economic benefit on social network, i.e. without considering the following aspects, e.g. (i) Norm and density network; (ii) The Strength of Weak Ties; (iii) The Importance of " Structural Holes; and (iv) The Interpenetration of Economic and Non-Economic Action in developing agribusiness. Agribusiness community will keep facing obstacles to grab opportunity in accessing information and technology innovation and in turn it will lower productivity, income and welfare as well as vertical mobility.

Author Biography

Ketut Gede Mudiarta, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian

Pusat Sosial Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Pertanian


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How to Cite

Mudiarta, K. G. (2016). JARINGAN SOSIAL (NETWORKS) DALAM PENGEMBANGAN SISTEM DAN USAHA AGRIBISNIS: Perspektif Teori dan Dinamika Studi Kapital Sosial . Forum Penelitian Agro Ekonomi, 27(1), 1–12. Retrieved from https://epublikasi.pertanian.go.id/berkala/fae/article/view/1376