The Correlation Between Plasma Phosphor and Cholesterol on Reproduction Performance of Holstein-Friesian Crossbred
This study was aimed to identify plasma phosphor and plasma cholesterol and its correlation to reproduction efficiency of Holstein-Friesian Crossbred. The material used in this research was blood sample collected from sixteen heads of cow on second to third lactation in luteal phase. Blood was collected eight hours after feeding time from caudal vein. Reproduction parameters investigated were postpartum breeding; inseminations per conception; and calving interval. Pearson correlation model was used to analyze the data. The average of plasma phosphor and plasma cholesterol concentration were 2.27 ± 0.36 mg/dl and 139.74 ± 25.82 mg/dl respectively. The average of postpartum breeding, calving interval, and inseminations per conception were 133.56 ± 59.34; 410.43 ± 71.01; and 2.00 ± 0.90 respectively. The correlation coefficient of the plasma phosphor on postpartum breeding, inseminations per conception, and calving interval from this study were -0.080; –0.122; and -0.359 respectively. Correlation coefficient of plasma cholesterol on postpartum breeding, inseminations per conception, and calving interval were -0.114; –0.573; and -0.402 respectively. It could be concluded that plasma phosphor correlated negatively to the postpartum breeding and inseminations per conception with the r value of very weak negative correlation while it correlated negatively to the calving interval with the r value of weak negative correlation. The plasma cholesterol had a moderate negative correlation on inseminations per conception and calving interval, and correlated negatively to the postpartum breeding with the r value of very weak negative correlation
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Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Muhammad Arif Darmawan, Diah Tri Widayati , Yustina Yuni Suranindyah

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