Farmers' Motivating Factors for Participating in the Farmer Corporation Program in Telang Sari Village, Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra Province


  • Yusri Santana
  • Muhammad Yazid Universitas Sriwijaya
  • Desi Aryani Universitas Sriwijaya



Corporate Farming, Farmer Empowerment, Motivating Factors


Farmer corporation is an agribusiness-based farmer business institution. The farmer corporation itself is a new program, especially in South Sumatra Province. One of them is the PT TAM Corporation in Telang Sari Village, Banyuasin Regency. The establishment of this corporation is expected as a forum for farmers to apply agricultural technology so as to help reduce farming operational costs and farmers' income. However, there are still some individual farmers who are not interested in joining due to the lack of trust in the farmer corporation program established by the government.  This study aims to examine the factors that encourage farmers to participate or join the farmer corporation program and the benefits obtained by farmer members of the corporation. This research was conducted through a quantitative approach with a survey method. The withdrawal of samples using the census method because the number of farmer members is still relatively small, namely the total number of corporate members as many as 50 farmers. The data processing method used is descriptive statistics analysis from the results of data collection through questionnaires to members of the PT TAM farmer corporation. If there is a driving instrument outside the questionnaire will be presented descriptively. The results showed that the factors driving farmers to participate in the farmer corporation program consisted of 2 aspects, namely technical aspects such as the presence of labor, the availability of land, the availability of agricultural technology and socio-economic aspects such as the potential for business development, the support of the government and the availability of access to capital loans in the form of agricultural inputs and marketing. Another factor that encourages farmers to join is to increase income from farming activities, especially food commodities (rice and corn).



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